White Wolf Wiki

Skelter is one of Nines Rodriguez's closest and most loyal followers. Skelter immediately snubs the player, calling the player a "little bitch." Should you do him a favor he will be a bit less abrasive. However, throughout your encounters his words are taunting.


  • Attention whore

An irksome ghoul named Patty who has grown to be a not-so-fun problem after her master abandoned her. Skelter says her blabbing has crossed the line and requests that she "disappears." Skelter goes further to explain "I'd love to do this one myself, but I know her sire." This quest can result in loss of Humanity.


  • Skelter claims to be creeped out by Malkavian insight.
  • He also mentions that he is a Vietnam veteran, mentioning that the kuei-jin would explain a lot of the things he saw in 'nam.
  • He also believes in the Antediluvians and Caine.

