White Wolf Wiki

Nissiku, meaning the Clever Prince, is one of the many names by which is known one of the first of Malkav's childer.


He came into the family; he was one of the first. When he drank from Malkav and was reborn... perhaps he drank too deeply. His Sight reached beyond reality, and his too-clever fingers were able to follow. I hear tales of the Clever Prince reaching through the skin of the world and drawing forth the cold, sharp-edged things that lie beyond the soft, loving mirage.
  —  Unknown elder vampire speaking through the Madness Network

According to clan legends, Nissiku originated from Uruk, as a part of the Igigi people. Renowned for his cleverness and humor, he held court with figures like Enkidu, Ninurta, and Erra.

There are few things known about him before his embrace. In most stories, he was a charlatan who feigned oracular sight, a nobleman who played at fits of insanity or a madman gifted with charm. When he drank his sire's vitae, he was able to see past this world and pluck the cold, sharp-edged things that lied beyond. Whether this caused Malkav to abandon him or a myriad of other reasons, none can say for certain, all they know is he departed shortly after his rebirth.

In the modern nights, no real evidence of his survival remains, but many Malkavians are certain that he has survived, given his continued presence in the Malkavian Madness Network. Stories about an enigmatic figure known as Malk Content are associated with him, a trickster figure that wears the symbol of a broken mirror in each of its appearances. Malk Content is credited with warping reality through his mere presence, earning the enmity of the Black Hand and the Justicars. Rumors tell that he made alliances with Lupines and baleful spirits in order to steal Tremere tomes for an unknown purpose. They say that he is out there somewhere, stalking his next target, ready to seize the Lie and rend it apart and release the strain on the boundaries of reality.

