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Hélène la Juste was an influential elder of the Toreador during the Dark Ages. A Queen of the Court of Love in the region of Champagne.


In her mortal days, Hélène grew up as one of three daughters of a noble. Delighting in social moores and courtish art like dancing and music, she quickly drew the attention of Salianna, a Toreador who attended the parisian noble festivities regularly. Fascinated with the young girl's natural beauty and wits, she decided to groom her into adulthood and then give her the Embrace. When Hélène fell mortally ill with fever, however, these plans were abandoned and the two ventured to Champagne. There, Salianna mentored her childe in order to take the position of Queen of the Courts of Love in Champagne.

Under Hélène’s supervision, the court flourished, but it had also gained a reputation for attracting brash young Cainites who were overeager to prove themselves. She worked closely together with her sire in political situations and Salianna didn't feel obligated to punish her childe after the latter had aided Esclarmonde during the Albigensian Crusade.

Character Sheet

Hélène la Juste, Queen of the Court of Love
Sire: Salianna
Generation: 6th
Embrace: 957
Apparent Age: Late Teens
Morality: Road of Kings


Guide to the High Clans, p. 226
