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Gracis Nostinus was a Roman Ventrue. Gracis was embraced in 412 CE by a Roman general by the name of Marius. Gracis believed in Marius's mission of the restoration of the Roman Empire. The murder and diablerization of Marius by Gracis's brood brother Hrothulf , destined his sire's restoration plans for failure. With his sire's death and Rome's final fall, Gracis swore vengeance up Hrothulf. 


Perhaps you have heard of me? I am afraid I have become rather important to many of the Kindred Of this city, and few have not heard of me. Still, I suppose I should tell you about myself, bow I came to where I am today and what I plan to do now that I am here.

I was Embraced by a great Roman general. He knew how to restore the empire, and with our new powers set out to strengthen the organs and cut out the cancers. All went well. barbarians began to as we knew they would. Marius captured one chief to give knowledge of our foe. This chief was nothing but a ruffian and a king of ruffians. For all his faults, however, his uses. Marius was a bit rough with him I suppose, but I got along brilliantly with the poor wretch. It was easy for me to impress him with my ability to read six different languages. Embraced him and treated him like a son.

Then one day, for no reason at all, Hrothulf slew Marius. We were in the garden, Hrothulf was trying to read aloud, and when he misread several lines in a row Marius started laughing. Hrothulf been laughed at for 40 years, but had never gotten angry before. Suddenly a dark light appeared in Hrothulf’s eyes. He threw his hunting knife across the reading table with blinding speed and accuracy. It sunk Marius in the heart and pinned him to back of his chair, immobilizing him.

Hrothulf leaped to his feet and grabbed a torch from the wall. Marius made a desperate attempt to free himself from the lucky knife throw while I sat petrified with fear. I am not a strong man, can well see, and with such an ape as Hrothulf wandering around with a torch, I feared for my life. Hrothulf swung the down behind Marius and broke the back of the chair into little pieces. Thus freed, Marius joined the battle.

I tore through our home, screaming for help, but all the other Childer were out on business. Standing alone before the shrine to Janus, I decided to sell my life as dearly as possible so Marius and the dream of Rome might live. I found a gladius and rushed back to the scene of the battle, but it too late. Marius was already dead and Hrothulf hulked over him, his chin dripping with the blood of his Sire. He looked at me with the fierce fire of murder in his eyes. I did not know what had possessed my blood brother, but I swore I would avenge the death of Marius.

Alas, great deeds are easier conceived than executed. Despite my careful approach and well-aimed attack, Hrothulf easily parried my blade aside and ran me through with his own. As I lay on the mosaic floor now slick with blood, Hrothulf stood over me and laughed. I wanted to cry then but I found that there was only a kind of emptiness inside me, a gaping hole I could not fill.

I felt the same thing in 471 when we got word Rome had fallen, sacked by the barbarians. Soon after, the legion in Britain pulled out, headed for some other battle on a distant Roman shore. The emptiness inside me grew. I thought of all the people who could have been saved if only Marius had been alive and all the nations that could have been held together and preserved.

It not long before Rome fell for last time. The hollow place in my breast grew until it was all I was. Then I realized Rome was lost but I could avenge her. I could destroy her destroyer. Hrothulf demolished Rome's last prayer of survival when he committed diablerie, but by killing Hrothulf I will avenge Rome. I will avenge the greatest force ever known to this planet.

Once I have dispensed with Hrothulf, I will become Prince of this city and I will save it I could not save Rome from its own inner but I can save Milwaukee from the factions which would draw and quarter her. We must become unified and quickly or the Justicars will surely come to restore order.


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