White Wolf Wiki

Marchettus the Bold was a Brujah Cainite and a part of the Conspiracy of Isaac.


Marchettus was a volatile revolutionary who declaimed the status quo continually, and with amazing vigor. His descriptive turns of phrase when describing kings and other leaders were legendary. He did nothing without subtlety or ceremony.

He apparently survived the initial end of the Conspiracy, only to be put to death by his grandsire Critias for his involvement. He was quite insane by the time he was killed, believing the entirety of the land of Stavlachia to be haunted by terrible demons.


Marchettus is described as a tall, broad-shouldered man with a thick red beard wearing well-oiled but battered leather armor.

Conflicting Year of Embrace[]

Marchettus' Embrace is given as 1234, but he created his childe in 1229, which is impossible. One of the dates is incorrect, probably the date of Embrace for Marchettus, since Doctor Streck's date of 1229 fits with the reference to his participation in a crusade with Emperor Frederick.


The illustration of Marchettus by Darryl Elliott looks remarkably like the famous equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni by Andrea del Verrocchio.

Character Sheet[]

