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Kisasi is an Ajaba. She founded the Ahadi.


When death came to the Ajaba in the Ngorongoro in 1984, the survivors scattered to the four winds. Some ran to Europe or the Americas, but most made their way to India, which was home to their hyena Kin. Africa had become a dangerous place for them, since Black Tooth and his pride now ruled the whole of the continent. Few chose to weather the storm's winds, but those who did were crafty and tenacious out of necessity. One of these, a mere child to look at her, was Kisasi, the Ajaba who barely understood the meaning of her own name. For you see, she was a hyena, and while she hated lions as much as any hyena could she was not plagued by a thirst for vengeance. But that was the name she was given when she underwent her First Change, and so that was the name she called her own from then on.

Kisasi was more interested in survival than anything else, and she understood the land in ways that most of her kin could not. They spoke of vengeance and politics, but what did that matter to her? Those were abstract concepts, and she had more primal concerns. Gaia spoke to her in a way normally reserved for the males of her clan, and it was thus that she was blessed with wisdom instead of rage. So it was that she cast off the hateful legacy of her elders, vowing to chart her own course as she eked out a living on the plains of the Serengeti. Her fellows called her foolish and a traitor, but she didn't care. She ignored their silly human ways, scoffed at the notion of hated for hatred's sake, and instead used the land to help Gaia as best she could. This, of course, was her greatest virtue; she recognized the pulse of Gaia around her, and knew that there had to be more to life than hating the lions and preying upon the weak. This knowledge led to curiosity, and that curiosity opened the door for many things indeed.

I cannot imagine what must have gone through old Kiva's mind when she first laid eyes on Kisasi; what Ajaba could be mad enough to be traveling alone in Africa? Indeed, what Ajaba would be so bold as to walk right up to a leopard and ask her what she was doing? And yet, this is exactly what Kisasi did. As fate would have it, she picked the right leopard; we all know Kiva isn't exactly known for her temper, and I daresay it would take the Wyrm itself to do anything more than mildly irritate her, such is the extent of her control over her Rage. And so the Bagheera and the Ajaba proceeded to have a conversation, wherein Kiva told the young pup all she knew of Gaia and their role in Her grand design, and of the sorrowful history that had led to the massacre in Ngorongoro. She spoke of Black Tooth, and of why he had been allowed to become so fearsomely powerful, and of how no one knew what to do about him now. And the others... she mentioned the others, too, I think. The Mokolé and the Garou and the Bubasti and all the rest of Gaia's children.

When Kisasi heard of the great power of the Mokolé, and of the Garou's role as Gaia's teeth, and all of the mystic might of the Bubasti and the Bagheera, she asked her ersatz mentor why they didn't all just team up and get rid of Black Tooth once and for all. Ah, the wisdom of the young! Kiva told her this probably wasn't going to happen, seeing as how the various Breeds didn't really get along very well, and Kisasi decided on the spot that this was a dumb and foolish thing, and that she would just have to fix it.

It would seem that one should not underestimate the power of a tenacious young Ajaba - particularly one prone to positive thinking.


