White Wolf Wiki

Azaera (birth name Alice) is a homid Philodox Black Spiral Dancer. She is a cannibal, having murdered and eaten her parents right before her First Change when they were discussing having her institutionalized. She initially appears capable and in control, but gradually breaks down and lets the true sickness emerge.


Alice was small when the dreams began. At night, she would run in slow motion through a dark, misty jungle with the bellowing of great beasts resonating in her ears. Others ran beside her, but she was afraid to turn her head and see what sort of creatures they were. Often Alice heard voices in her dreams, calling to her, inviting her to become one with them, and equally often she would wake up screamning when she glimpsed the voices' origin through the fog.
As she grew older, she began to accept the dreams - indeed, to relish them. At times she could not tell which was the dream: the dark jungle, or the old house with the silent stares of her parents and the cryptlike school filled with the mutterings of her classmates.
Once, she heard the whispers of her parents behind a locked door: their muttered concern for her health and stability, the fear that she might be "sick" like her great-grandmother, that mysterious relative about whom nothing was spoken. Although she was yet young, she was old enough to know what the word "institution" meant.
Then the hag began to appear in her dreams. At first Alice thought it was one of the witches from her childhood books, but the decrepit old crone instead informed Alice that she was her great-grandmother, come from the Domain of the Wyrm to guide her Fostern. Her mother, her grandmother, all were fodder, fit only for passing the blood down. It was Alice who was the chosen one, who would one day bear the spawn of the Wyrm. Alice enjoyed talking to the old woman, even in the daytime, altough it only increased the shocked glances of her parents.
She knew what she had to do. Wisdom, her great-grandmother said, could be garnered through the absorption of one's ancestors. And so one night Alice got a knife from the kitchen and crept oh-so-softly into her parents' bedroom. The house where she lived ws quite isolated, so no one heard the screams or saw the bonfire that blazed against the night sky in the backyard or smelled the strange meat that Alice cooked around that fire for the satiation of her hunger.
With the first taste of the flesh came knowledge, and the Change. That night, Alice died and Azaera ran through the night, kenning for the pack in her skull and loping into the neighborhood below. She ate her fill from the houses of men before running into the far hills to join her brethern below the earth.


A beautiful but impossibly cold woman in her early 30s with pale skin, green eyes and short blond hair. She is 5'9", 135# and wears nondescript dark clothing. In Crinos form she is as hideous as her homid form is beautiful: a twisted creature with glowing green pits for eyes, a nearly reptilian maw filled with sharklike fangs, and matted, light-gray fur.


Breed: Homid
Auspice: Philodox
Tribe: Black Spiral Dancers
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 5, Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
Abilities: Intimidation 4, Primal-Urge 4, Subterfuge 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 4, Empathy 3, Alertness 3,
Skills: Stealth 4, Etiquette 2, Firearms 3, Drive 1, Leadership 4,
Knowledges: Rituals 5, Occult 5, Law (Garou) 4, Enigmas 5,
Backgrounds: Allies 5, Fetish 4, Rites 4, Past Life 4,
Gifts: All from her breed and auspice through Level 4, all Black Spiral Dancer gifts except Patagia (see the Werewolf Appendix), Razor Claws, Howl of the Banshee, Paralyzing Stare, Call the Great Beast.
Renown: Black Spiral Dancers do not gain Glory, Honor and Wisdom, but she has the equivalent of 250,000 Renown among her people.
Rites: Open Moon Bridge, Open Caern, others as needed. In general, assume that if Azaera needs to perform a rite (or Level 4 and below) to further the plot, she can.
Fetishes: Spirit Whistle
Rank: 5
Rage 8, Gnosis 8, Willpower 8

