White Wolf Wiki

Feder & Schwert (German for "Feather & Sword") was a German publisher of roleplaying games.


F&S was most notable outside of Germany for the roleplaying game Engel, which was translated into English and published in America by White Wolf's Sword & Sorcery Studios imprint. F&S also handled the German translations of various New World of Darkness games, and has additionally produced several original licensed Classic World of Darkness sourcebooks that focus on Germany and its environs. One of these original books, the Encyclopaedia Vampirica, was translated and published in English by White Wolf during the same time period that White Wolf was also publishing Engel.

In 2016, Feder & Schwert was taken over by the Uhrwerk Verlag.  In 2019, Uhrwerk Verlag announced bankruptcy.

Original World of Darkness books[]

External links[]

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