White Wolf Wiki

Falling-Star-of-the-Morning-Lurf was a Black Fury outcast of great renown.


Falling-Star defied the Garou from the moment of her First Change. She refused their ways and denied her heritage among the Black Furies. Every attempt to discipline her was rewarded with violence. After trying to make her understand the Ways of the Garou for almost five years, the elders had no choice but to banish her from sept and tribe alike. Her final crime was the brutal and unprovoked murder of one of the tribal elders. She gave no defense for her actions, instead choosing to defy the Black Furies to the bitter end. Several of the sept's leaders were prepared to kill her on the spot, but Old-Seer stayed their vengeance by explaining that Falling-Star still had much to accomplish.

Falling-Star turned from the tribe and walked away with her head held high, proud of her individuality. She fought the Wyrm, often taking hideous risks to stop its minions single-handedly. Her trials were many, and though the offer was made to allow her back into the tribe on several occasions, she always refused. Though she was seen only sporadically for the next decade, she made clear to all who ran across her that she was no longer welcome among the Garou and that she did not care. Eleven years after her exile, Falling-Star-of-the-Morning returned to the Crystal Waters Sept in time to aid them in their battle against the minions of the Wyrm.

Wyrmlings attacked the sept in great numbers, led by the great bane known as Tiamat. Falling-Star came to the caern's aid bearing a powerful fetish, the Spear of Artemis, long thought lost to the tribe. Using the Spear, she managed to destroy Tiamat, but not before the foul creature's venomous bite had crippled her. Falling-Star-of-the-Morning was crushed beneath the falling Bane's terrible weight. She never explained why she came back to save the tribe she so despised, just as she refused to explain why she felt such hatred for them in the first place. All the same, her deeds were many and her acts of bravery were an example to all who met her. She will always be remembered.

