White Wolf Wiki

The Disrupters are a group of dangerous Nockers who reject all authority.



Unashamedly and extremely Unseelie, this band of nockers is composed of fae who despise the new laws of the Sidhe, the edicts of the Shadow Court, and the technological restrictions of the Bes Din. Among their crimes are the sale of proscribed technologies and overt acts of terrorism against fae and non-fae alike. The particularly like to expose the sots to frightening chimera in order to weaken the veil between the Dreaming and the Autumn World. No one knows their motives, though those who hunt them (predominantly the Red Branch Knights) note that Glamour springs up in their wake. Unfortunately nightmare energies taint this Glamour and some have reported seeing them in the company of twisted Garou.

Leaders of both Courts feel the Disrupters may represent the encroachment of powers related to the Prodigals into fae society. Nockers of both Courts deplore this small group and have gone so far as to ask for outside help against it.


  1. CTDKithbook: Nockers, pp. 33-34.