White Wolf Wiki

Project Utopia's Diplomacy Corps works behind the scenes to achieve the project's goals. Very few novas work in this section, for fear that their very presence might be seen as a form of coercion. Lasting peace cannot be achieved except by the parties in conflict.

The chief diplomat is Ilsa Mortensen, and Geisha of Team Tomorrow sometimes works closely with the corps as well. Their global headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland, and includes a "Conflict Monitoring Center" (or "war room") that monitors ongoing situations around the world. If needed, the Corps can call in Team Tomorrow to prevent escalation.

Middle East Section[]

The section responsible for the groundbreaking 2001 London Peace Accord, the Middle East section is one of the Diplomacy Corps' busiest. It is headquartered in Project Utopia's Israeli-Palestinian border facility to ensure that peace ambassadors are always close at hand.

Europe Section[]

More properly called the Balkans Section, as this division is primarily focused on mediating conflict in southeastern Europe to prevent the outbreak of another war.

Africa Section[]

This section is informally divided into East, West, and Central subsections, though all coordinate closely. The West Africa subsection is focused on the fallout of the Equitorial Wars. The East Africa subsection focuses most of its attention on North Sudan and South Sudan. The Central subsection has the hardest job of all, after the 2007 Trans-Tanzanian Conflict left several countries without functioning governments.

Indian Subcontinent Section[]

The ongoing conflict in Kashmir keeps this section busy at all times. They also keep an eye out for novas who may have erupted unnoticed in rural or isolated communities, especially those who may exploit their powers in unethical ways (the so-called India Syndrome).

