White Wolf Wiki
See also Chicago by Night (first edition)
Written by: Andrew Greenberg
Geography by: Steve Crow
Additional Characters by: Kara Chappell, Robert Hatch
Developed by: Andrew Greenberg
Edited by: Robert Hatch, Graeme Davis
Concepts: Steven Brown, Andrew Greenberg, Josh Timbrook
Chicago Consultant: René Lilly
Art Director: Richard Thomas
Front Cover: Doug Gregory
Layout and Typesetting: Sam Chupp, Michelle Prahler
Maps: Chris McDonough, Rob Dixon, Margaux Schaffer
Art: Timothy Bradstreet, Josh Timbrook, Richard Thomas, Steve Casper, Jesper Myfors, Robert MacNeil
Coterie Charts: Chris McDonough
Back Cover: Chris McDonough
Special Thanks To:

Mark "Does Dallas" Rein•Hagen, for his Texas weekends.
Stewart "Home Alone, Too" Wieck, for his work on important projects.
Andrew "Arm in Arms" Greenberg, for his hallway walks with Benjamin.
Ken "Interruptus" Cliffe, for his amazing ability to get work down around the printer congregation in his office.
Josh "I'm a Bum" Timbrook, for his excuse for not taking out the piles of garbage.
Wes "Dataman" Harris, for his inpu, output and put-put.
Rob "Eviscerator" Hatch, for what he's gonna do to the !?@#$% who stole his hubcaps.
Rene "Seduction of Innocence" Lilly, for dragging the unsuspecting to the Dead whether they like it or not.
Travis "Jacques" Williams, for coming up with really scary Setite names. Ooh, I'm so frightened.
Richard "Flip Flip Flip" Thomas, for being such a Mille Borne-head.
Sam "Ground Hog" Chupp, for chopping it up on Feb. 2.
Chris "Spelling Bee" McDonough, for killing two (or more) words with one book.
William "'Bama Boy" Hale, for the fun he had in Stew's state.
Bill "Howlin' Party Wolf" Bridges, for his favorite new toy.
Benjamin "Glory Questor" Monk, Jr., for knowing how to send his weekends — and what computer games to play in the meantime.
Lyndi "Bathroom Floor" Hathaway, for knowing where to sleep when it happens.
Michelle "Whacker" Prahler, for taking it to the bozos in her department.
Publisher: White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Imprint: White Wolf Game Studio
Published: 1993
Pages: 200
Year: 1993
Publication #: WW 02203
Reference #: ISBN 1-56504-051-1
PDF: DriveThruRPG DriveThruRPG
Price: Digital: $10.80

Chicago by Night Second Edition is a revision of Chicago by Night, the sourcebook about the city of Chicago in the Classic World of Darkness.

This Second Edition incorporates changes both to the game rules from Vampire: The Masquerade Second Edition and to the Chicago setting from the Werewolf crossover story Under a Blood Red Moon. With the death of Lodin in that story, the office of Prince of Chicago is now available to the most qualified – or most cutthroat – candidate. Now, the players' coterie might find themselves in a position to play kingmaker, or even to take the princedom for one of their own.


From the White Wolf Catalog:
At Death's Own Wake...
Chicago, favored city of the Damned, is not as it once was. The streets, which have tasted blood time and time again, feasted as never before during the attack of the savage werewolves. Decades of effort fell in less than a month. That which had been immortal is no more. Crowning this pile of despair is the torn corpse of the prince, the last vestige of immortality ripped out by red-stained claws.
The Dead Can Dance
The city has become a swirling vortex, pulling in fresh victims from every direction. From across the world the undead swarm, drawn in by Chicago's suffering. Who can resist its desperate call? Who can survive its tragic fate?
Chicago by Night, Second Edition includes:
  • A full description of the horror of Chicago, brought on by and compatible with Under a Blood Red Moon
  • Complete information on the Kindred, geography and history
  • A complete reference for adding stories of intrigue to your chronicle.


Chapter One: Introduction


Chapter Two: History


Chapter Three: Geography


Chapter Four: The Kindred


Chapter Five: The Coteries


Appendix: Politics


Background Information


Memorable Quotes



Characters marked with an asterisk (*) are new to the Second Edition of the book.


A number of characters from the First Edition of the book are confirmed to have been destroyed or are simply missing:


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