White Wolf Wiki

A typical American beer, Blue Stripe appears on shelves next to Budweiser, Coors, and Miller.


Say what you will about those drinks, but only Blue Stripe goes above and beyond, actively deadening the drinker’s soul. About one bottle in every thousand includes a psychoactive additive that makes the drinker more irritable and prone to lash out at the slightest provocation. Drink enough Blue Stripe and even the most caring spouse will slowly slip into a cycle of abusing her husband and children — even when sober. Drinking more than five of bottles of Blue Stripe, every week for a month, causes a drinker to show up as tainted to Sense Wyrm; the Rite of Cleansing difficulty depends on how long the victim has drunk King’s beers. The first two months are difficulty 3, rising to difficulty 4 during the first year, difficulty 5 for the next four years, and difficulty 6 for anyone who has drunk King beers weekly for at least five years.

