White Wolf Wiki

Bes-por-Numin is a male Athro Homid Ragabash Silent Strider, and Warder of the Sept of the Wheel of Ptah.[1]


Bes grew up among desert nomads in North Africa. He has had phenomenal luck all his life, from the exceptional education he received and the English family who adopted him to the fact that a Silent Strider was only 30 yards away when he went through his first Change.

Bes has an uncanny knack for learning exactly what he needs to know. He has even learned some of the Gifts of other tribes and auspices. He has done this to become a better caern Warder and also to further his quest in studying the Wheel.

All his life, he had felt as though the Old Gods wanted something more for him, that the Incarna who dwell in the Deep Umbra - Ptah, Ra, Isis, Thoth - wanted him to resurrect some of the ancient mystical wisdom of his people. He sees the Wheel of Ptah as his chief mission in life, his reason for living and the focus of his spirituality.

At first, the fact that he was of the New Moon caused quite a bit of controversy, but Bes proved that he was willing to swallow his pride and play by the rules that the Philodox and Ahroun Garou had set long ago concerning Caern Warders. He takes his role as Caern Warder quite seriously. If necessary, he would die for his caern without a single thought. In the past year or so, he has been under special tutelage in the arts of war, specifically martial arts, and is contemplating beginning the study of Kailindo for its mystical benefits.

Although he is always joking and laughing, Bes quickly turns serious when discussing his caern. He is very fond of the Stargazers and is constantly pestering them for information and new wisdom. Rumors that he has considered joining and new wisdom. Rumors that he has considered joining them are unfounded, but it is true that he has visited the secret orrery that the Stargazers have in the Aetherial Realm.

Bes' knowledge of the Umbra comes from personal experience. He has talked with Incarna and Realm Lords, and regularly visits such places as Pangaea, the Battleground and the elusive Homeland of the Silent Striders. His knowledge of the Umbra is highly varied, and several Dreamspeaker mages have travelled to Morocco just to ask him questions.


Bes is a short, grinning man with a full gray beard and absolutely no hair. His eyes reflect the lights of the stars. He has a perpetual smile, even when faced with minions of the Wyrm.


Position: Warder
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Ragabash
Tribe: Silent Striders
Nature/Demeanor: Maker/Jester
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2, Perception 5, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Empathy 4, Intimidation 3, Primal-Urge 3, Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 4, Etiquette 2, Firearms 3, Melee (Dagger) 4, Leadership 3, Performance (Dancing) 3, Repair 2, Stealth 5, Survival (Desert) 4, Computer 2, Enigmas (Ptah's Ways) 5, Medicine 3, Rituals 2, Area Knowledge (Umbra Near Realms) 5
Backgrounds: Contacts 4 (all over Europe)
Gifts: Sense Wyrm, Persuasion, Open Seal, Speed of Thought, Truth of Gaia, Axis Mundi, Jam Technology, Blissful Ignorance, Adaptation, Detect Spirits, Long Running, Tongues, Fool's Luck
Rank: 4
Merits: Eidetic Memory, Driving Goal (explore every part of the Wheel of Path)
Rites: Rite of the Opened Bridge, Rite of the Questing Stone, Rite of Passage
Fetishes: Bundle of Jackal's Laughter (Level 3, Gnosis 7; this is literally a bag of good luck in the form of golden sand. An activation roll creates a small quantity of sand in the bundle. If this sand is sprinkled on a character, the player may reroll any failed roll he has once during the duration of the scene. Only one does of this sand will work per moon phase. The sand vanishes ten seconds after it is removed from the bundle.)
Rage 3, Gnosis 9, Willpower 8

