White Wolf Wiki

You might also check: Aura (DAV)

The Aura is an unusual energy that emanates from all living, undead and spiritual beings. It reflects both their nature (e.g. mortal, mage, or werewolf), as well as their current emotional state - in both the New and Classic versions of the World of Darkness


Apart from reflecting the nature and emotional states, the auras also might reflect supernatural characteristics. In some cases, resonance or taint can also be reflected in one's aura. The auras of vampires who have committed diablerie also appear to be streaked through with black veins.

In Dark Ages: Vampire, a vampire's Road (or Path) rating affects the type of Aura they manifest. Similarly, in Mage: The Awakening, a mage's aura becomes easier for others to detect as the mage's Gnosis rating increases.

Aura Detection

Many supernatural beings possess some way to perceive and read auras. Examples of these abilities include:

Aura Colors

The colors change in sympathy with the subject’s emotional state, blending into new tones in a constantly dancing pattern. The stronger the emotions involved, the more intense the hues become. A skilled vampire can learn much from her subject by reading the nuances of color and brilliance in the aura’s flow.

Afraid: Orange
Aggressive: Purple
Angry: Red
Bitter: Brown
Calm: Light Blue
Compassionate: Pink
Conservative: Lavender
Depressed: Gray
Desirous or Lustful: Deep Red
Diablerist: Black veins
Distrustful: Light Green
Envious: Dark Green
Excited: Violet
Generous: Rose
Happy: Vermilion
Hateful: Black
Idealistic: Yellow
Innocent: White
Lovestruck: Blue
Obsessed: Green
Sad: Silver
Spiritual: Gold
Suspicious: Dark Blue
Anxious: Auras appear scrambled like static or white noise
Confused: Mottled, shifting colors
Diablerist: Black veins in aura
Daydreaming: Sharp flickering colors
Frenzied: Rapidly rippling colors
Psychotic: Hypnotic, swirling colors
Vampire: Aura colors are pale
Ghoul: Pale blotches in the aura
Magic Use: Myriad sparkles in auraa
Nephandus: Constant, black ripples across the aura
Werebeast: Bright, vibrant aura
Ghost: Weak, intermittent aura
Faerie: Rainbow highlights in aura
Cathayan: Either like that of a Western vampire (if Yin-cycled) or slightly brighter (if Yang-cycled)
Imbued: Bright golden halo
Fallen: Plethora of rapid shifting colors that are difficult to discern

