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Chronicles of Darkness: 1933

World of Darkness: 1933

Trinity Universe: 1933


  • Ioan Dragolescu receives numerous guests for a seance. During the seance, Dragolescu claims to have a vision that the Dragon will rise again, and that as before, he would lay waste to his country and slay a multitude. This time, however, he would use the “breath of the Dragon,” rather than his claws.[1]
  • Pulp writer, and Scelestus Apostate, Richard Chislak dies through the effects of pneumonia. His last work is about the oriental "Temple of Zanak Khan".[2]
  • The God-Machine sends the Angel known as "Herr Arger" to Berlin, with the instructions of creating a cult which would serve its designs. Among the occult scene of Berlin, Herr Arger singles out the Thule Society, who construct a piece of Infrastructure known as the Widdershins Windmill.[3]
  • The extent of damage done by Bishopsgate Head of Medicine Gorlay's experiments over the past decade (to the tune of 300 dead and 150 permanently injured) becomes known to the public, due to the whistleblowing of future Director Thomas Werner. Gorlay commits suicide in prison shortly after being incarcerated. Director Weaver, meanwhile, is imprisoned for embezzlement, dying of stomach cancer several years later.[4]


1932 20th century